"KPI talents" revealed

In November, 10, in exhibition hall of building № 7 there was an official opening of the I part of annual art competition “KPI talents” where students, teaching staff and fellow workers of our university presented their pieces of work in nominations “pictorial art”, “graphic art”, “decorative and

The student of KPI won tender of innovative projects

On September 29 in Kiev took place the regional stage of international contest of the innovative Falling Walls Kyiv 2016. The project was based in honor of the 20 anniversary of fall of the Berlin wall and is supported by the German government.

"Sikorsky Challenge 2016" festival: grand awarding of winners

On the 14th of October at the Center of Culture and Arts of NTUU ‘Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’ the closing ceremony of the festival ‘Sikorsky Challenge 2016’ was held. There the jury of the startups contest ‘Sikorsky Challenge’ and ‘Intel-Techno Ukraine’ competition announced the winners, and together with the representatives of investors presented awards and gifts to the authors of the best projects.

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