The awards ceremony of the Mathematics Olympiad

On March 30 NTUU "KPI" held an open Mathematics Olympiad, which is annually conducted by the staff of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Probability Theory and is the first stage of all-Ukrainian student olympiad in mathematics for students of higher educational institutions.

Exotic Miss of KPI

The competition International Miss KPI 2016 - the most anticipated event for all foreign students of our university was held on March, 31 in the center of consolidation of students "Intonation".

The project assault rifle

Among the winners of the fourth festival of innovative projects "Sikorsky Challenge 2015", which took place in the autumn on the basis of our university, and the project called "Assault Rifle", performed by ASS "Polytec Aero" and the Science Park "Kyiv Polytechnic".

Talents are awarded KPI 2015

From 12 November to 10 December 2015 at the university held an annual art exhibition-competition "Talents KPI". It was part of students, teachers, scientists, comp-beatniks "KPI" - a total of 94 individuals who presented a total of 350 works.

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