A prospective student of the FEA

Among the students-winners of all-Ukrainian subject olympiads and competitions, who stepped on the area of Knowledge for the Freshman day, there was a six-year student of the FEA Andriy Randyuk - a capable prospective student of the department of Automation of Electromechanical Systems and Electr

Results of KPI projects in "Kyiv's Public Budget 2"

With the joint efforts of initiative teams, students and thanks to the votes of Kyiv residents in the public budget of Kyiv won 5 large KPI's projects and one small for the total amount of 10 million 159 thousand 75 UAH.

Student of Faculty of Chemical Technology- Winner of Chemistry Olympiad

Let’s get acquainted: Andrii Shendrik is a fourth-year student of the faculty of Chemical Technology of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. He studies the chemical synthesis of cosmetics and food additives at the Physical Chemistry department.

The FAKS student is the winner of the professional Olympiad

The awareness of the truth "who wants to learn - finds opportunities who do not want - seeks excuse" again confirmed the conversation with the six-year-student of FAKS Svyatoslav Fedorchenko – is the winner of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad on specialization "Aviation and Missile and Space Indust

Student of VPI is the winner of the Management Olympiad

The staff of the Department of publishing and printing industry congratulates the student of the group SE-61m, Inna Kiselova, with the victory at the II stage of All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad for the specialization "Management of Organizations and Administration".

FMM student won the literary contest

Annualy in Ukraine there is an international linguistic and literary competition for pupils and students of the name of Taras Shevchenko, aimed at honoring Kobzar's memory and art. This year is already the seventh.

Volleyball players are competing

Volleyball competitions among the teams of faculties were held within the framework of the University Spartakiad in the volleyball hall of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Sports Complex from March 10 to May 16, 2017.

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