Our student won the NATO competition

Victoria Kim, a freshman at the KPI Faculty of Linguistics, won gold in a student competition organized by the CMB with the support of the NATO Information and Documentation Centre in Ukraine. Victoria impressed the judges with her video "NATO Reflection Process: NATO-2030».

"Knowledge at the Tip of Your Fingers…" for Doctors and Patients

The project of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute scientists entitled “Knowledge at the Tip of Your Fingers: Clinical Knowledge for Humanity (KATY)”  in the competition H2020-SC1-FA-DTS-2020-1 within the European Union program “HORIZON 2020” has been selected for funding

The characteristics of radar stations will be improved

With the help of modern radar stations, images of the earth's surface are obtained, which are used for weather forecasting, research of natural resources, geological exploration, monitoring of catastrophes, ecological pollution, etc.

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