IEE scientists won a grant from the HORIZON 2020 competition!

The project with a long but eloquent for experts title "Simultaneous conversion of ambient heat and unwanted vibrations into electricity by nanotube-electrification during intrusion / extrusion of non-wetting liquid into nanopores / from nanopores" get a positive review within the H2020-FETPROAC

The planning of underground infrastructure of big cities

Project “Toolkit for planning underground infrastructure of large cities to ensure the minimization of environmental and man-made risks of urban space based on a systematic methodology”, scientific overseer - Corresponding member of NASU, Deputy Director for Research of IASA N.D. Pankratova.

Freshman Gold Medal

Recently, Nazar Ponochevnyi, a first-year student of Institute of Physics and Technology of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, received a gold medal at the AIGC-2019 Global Innovation Competition. The competition was held in Singapore.

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