"OSA" invites to communicate. You should not be afraid

The guest of the first meeting of the intellectual club "OSA", which took place in the Scientific and Technical Library of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on November 14, was the rector of the University Mikhailo Zgurovsky.

The League of laughter KPI: come on, will be funny

   Were the embodiment of another innovation of the Kiev Polytechnic 7 November with a gala concert in the CKM started the League of laughter Igor Sikorsky KPI. This is the first such project on the territory of Ukraine. The University has a rich history of KVN.

Cooperation with "HUAWEI" Company

"HUAWEI" Company has awarded 13 scholarships to the best students of the Igor Sikorsky KPI, who are studying in specialties related to telecommunications, communications and electronics.

Results of KPI projects in "Kyiv's Public Budget 2"

With the joint efforts of initiative teams, students and thanks to the votes of Kyiv residents in the public budget of Kyiv won 5 large KPI's projects and one small for the total amount of 10 million 159 thousand 75 UAH.

KPI rock climbing hall opened

September 22, in sports complex KPI Igor Sikorsky held a solemn opening of the rock climbing hall "KPIskelya". It will become a training base not only for the Kyiv Polytechnic National Team - anyone interested in climbing can do this.

Meeting with freshmen 2017

On 21 September, at the Culture & Art Centre representatives of the administration of Igor Sikorsky KPI met with freshmen.

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