Sport mentors of the KPI are Ukraine’s best

Among the best sportsmen of the city and Ukraine that are engaged in sport tourism there are many polytechnicians, the representatives of the tourist club “Globus”, e,g., the graduate of the HPED Bogdan Grabets who was recognized as the best coach in 2017.

Kyiv November

Last weekend of the last month of autumn. For someone it's a regular holiday, but all tourists of Kyiv know: it's a "red day of the calendar." For the eighth consecutive year, the tourist club "Globus"of Igor Sikorsky KPI  organizes and conducts competitions "Kyiv November".

Svyatoslav Vasilyovich Balitsky celebrate 80 anniversary

The students mountain sports camp “Globus”, which are near Goverla,  is very popular among studentsof KPI. But few of today's visitors remember that from 1994 to 2007 Svyatoslav Vasilyovich Balitsky directed that camp, and 14 November he will celebrate its 80th anniversary

Festival "Fall of drive" 2016

Travelling summer in tourist club KPI  "Globe" ended with the traditional festival  "fall of drive", which was held in Universitys park 10 August.

The persistent conquer the peaks

Oleksandr Kryshtal, the fifth-year student of FBMI, is a future rehabilitation professional. In particular, he plans to work with designing and operation of equipment for the improvement in the quality of life - recovery, correction and sustentation of a motor function.

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