Administrative affairs

Vice-rector of administrative affairs: candidate of Technical Sciences Vadym Anatolijovych Kondratyuk
Reception room: 03056, Kyiv-56, Peremohy avenue, 37, building 1, room 109
Reception hours: Tuesday from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Phone: 204-90-91, e-mail: prorector-agr[at]

Attention! Fake news on the Internet

Some telegram channels are spreading false information about alleged violations of the Vice-Rector for Administrative Work of the University Kondratyuk V. A. during the purchase of a specialized truck (garbage truck).

Strengthening of security measures in KPI

Given the increased danger of missile attacks on civilian infrastructure in Kyiv using weapons with the shortest flight time, the threat of penetration of enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups into the city, security measures are being strengthened at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Vice-rector V.A. Kondratyuk about the university's life support in 2023 and plans for 2024

"Kyiv Polytechnic" continues to publish the materials of the vice-rectors' reports on the work of their subordinate structures. Next in line is a shortened version of the report of Vice-Rector for Administrative Affairs V. Kondratiuk "Organization and Support of the University's Life", which he presented at the meeting of the Academic Council of the University on January 15. The report presents the main results of the activities of the Civil Protection Department, Security, Economic Affairs, Property and Social Affairs Departments in 2023 and outlines the main tasks for 2024.

Free drinking water in KPI: care about health and ecology

Today, access to high-quality drinking water is important aspect worries about health and comfort. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute takes care about their own students, staff and visitors, providing free of charge cleaned drinking water on the university`s campus.

Opening of the Park of the Unconquered in KPI

The opening ceremony of the new park, which took place on August 29, crowned two years of work by students and staff of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, as well as sincere friends and reliable partners of the university.

Yunist was opened in KPI!

...A young girl is sitting on a bench. The pile of textbooks next to her indicates that she is a student. She is waiting for something or someone, she radiates the joy of fullness of life and glows with a premonition of happiness.

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