FBT Student is a Ukrainian Presidential scholarship holder

The sixth-year student of the Department of Industrial Biotechnology at the Biotechnology and Bioengineering Faculty, Marina Molochko, became the scholarship holder of the President of Ukraine for his dedication to teaching and active scientific and public activities.

The student of KPI won tender of innovative projects

On September 29 in Kiev took place the regional stage of international contest of the innovative Falling Walls Kyiv 2016. The project was based in honor of the 20 anniversary of fall of the Berlin wall and is supported by the German government.

Improves equipment in pharmaceutical and food industry

Among the young scientists awarded by certificates of NAS Ukraine for achievements in the development of important scientific problems in 2015, the name of Sergey Ihorovych Kostyk - Ph.D., assistant of department biotechnology and engineering FBT is also called.

Technologies of the future

  In a world increasingly demand products by  biotechnology industries, received by the use of natural biological objects and processes. These products help to fight diseases, develop and improve healthcare, provide affordable, life-saving drugs.

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