The first flights in the sky of Kyiv

For many years, Dovzhenko garden, located on the territory of the National Film Studio, along with the architectural ensemble of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and factories that work in these areas are the symbols of Shulyavka.

Kendo - Japan, Ukraine

Kendo - Japanese art of fencing with swords, is descended from the ancient art of Ken-jutsu. sword fighting.

Periodic Table of Elements ... at home

Up to the XIII century, people knew only nine chemical elements: seven metals - gold, silver, copper, tin, iron, lead and mercury, as well as two non-metals - sulfur and carbon.

Women's Day

March 8th - it is the one of our favorite holidays. Over the years, this holiday exalts the woman, her beauty, tenderness and love, something changed and transformed into various socio-political forms.

Mystery of Carnot's theorem

Perhaps there’s no polytechnics who would not know about Carnot's theorem, according to which the efficiency of the Carnot heat engine does not depend on the nature of the working fluid.

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