A unique remote monitoring of soils is being developed at XTF

Наукова тематика, за якою Т.А.Донцова працює на кафедрі, досить різноманітна. Це, зокрема, синтез наноматеріалів на основі оксидів титану, стануму, цирконію, феруму, цинку  та їх використання у водоочищенні, сенсориці та каталізі.

COVID-19: Foresight for the capital

On April 9 scientists of the World Data Centre for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development, which work in the structure of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute under the aegis of the International Science Council, published the results of the express research on the spread of coronavirus disease in Kyiv.

The COVID-19 pandemic: possible scenarios and prospects

On April 3 Scientists at the World Centre for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development, which works in the structure of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute under the aegis of the International Science Council, published the research "Foresight COVID-19: the impact on the economy and society" where they analysed the possible course of further spread of the coronavirus pandemic in Ukraine and its impact on the further course of life in the country

Impossible is nothing: new advances in computational physics

Anyone remembers the first-page considerations in textbooks on statistical physics grounding the necessity of applying statistical methods to the study of molecular phenomena. The exact description of the motion of molecules gives differential equations.

Robot for radiation researching of waters

One of the winners of the fourth festival of innovative projects "Sikorsky Challenge 2015" was the development of FEL scientists - "RadScout mk.3, robot to survey radiation contaminated waters," which received a grant from the Kuchma "Ukraine" in 12 thousand USD.

Try to work during education

Nowadays the problem of job placement by specialty is extremely important; consequently, students begin to think about their future occupations beforehand. That work was both interesting and allowing to engage in scientific research.

Seminar Council of Young Scientists

February 26 Council of Young Scientists "KPI" held another thematic seminar on "Initiative study in" KPI "and promising areas as a way of organizing collective and interdisciplinary work."

The seminar was attended by teachers, graduate students and university students.

To make decisions carefully

Scientific and educational complex "IASA" is a powerful center of scientific, technical and educational activities in the field of applied system analysis, the latest information technology and computer science.

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