This year in April, the Chernobyl reminded again of itself with forest fires caused by careless use of fire by local residents and visitors. Planned work on utilization of forest deadwood is ongoing on means of sponsors. Diverse researches on finding out what and how much is released during combustion are conducted simultaneously with the burning of contaminated wood. It is conducted by scientists from “Ukratomprylad", "Autoecoprylad", etc.
This year, with the purpose of integrated assessment of possible consequences of forest fires in the Chernobyl zone scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of scientific, analytical and ecological devices and systems of instrument-making faculty were involved in the implementation of mentioned work. They have an extensive experience of theoretical calculations and experimental studies of the processes of formation and propagation of pollutants in atmosphere. Post-graduate students D. Kornienko and V. Ivasenko under the guidance of assistant professor V. Prymiskogo were engaged in the process of dust and pollutants concentrations measurement.
The study was performed on the experimental stand (on photo) with a specially developed technique using modern measuring devices. In the first place such experiments allow determining the number and radioactive ash that is released during combustion. Using this data we can create a mathematical model of formation and distribution of radioactive ash, depending on the nature of fire.
Such scientific researches had been started in the Department in 2006 with participation in the project "Development of gas analytical information-measuring complex for control of combustion processes". During this time the Department established the educational-scientific laboratory of analytical and ecological devices, developed and implemented new disciplines in the curriculum formed a scientific school of methods and means of control, defended three Ph.D. theses.
The subject of post-graduate studies at the Department expands constantly. V. Ivasenko prepared to the defending of the thesis dedicated to the investigation of the impact of the gas station emissions on the environment, while D. Kornienko and undergraduate student K. Zhovta examine the effect of roof boilers installed in multi-storey buildings on the urban environment. In the context of these studies, the graduate students of the Department for the past year received five patents for utility model and a patent for the invention. Materials gained in the course of the research will be used to improve the teaching-methodological support of the "Instruments and systems of ecological monitoring" specialty with which our University is a leading educational institution of Ukraine.
Scientists of the Department have no doubt that the knowledge and skills acquired by our students and post-graduate students during training as well as the practical experience of participation in a solution of actual problems will become the guarantee of their successful professional activity.