Jean Foucault and his pendulum

I will not hide that I was honored to have the opportunity to attend and speak at this important event, although held it was held in our own KPI, but without exaggeration, it is necessary to talk about an event of national importance. I am referring to the opening of 24 February 2011, I repeat, in Ukraine, this Foucault pendulum.

A fsnowflake. A Clock. A Candle ...

As every holiday New Year has its own attributes. It is even difficult to imagine New Year greeting card or some New Year issue of the newspaper without such items, as Santa Claus , Christmas tree and Christmas decorations, frosted windows and the snowflakes, the clock and the candles.

April 12 - International Day of Cosmonautics

Of all the pieces exhibited in the Department of Aviation and Astronautics State Polytechnic Museum, the viewers’ attention is attracted by the lander of spacecraft "Voskhod", which had been in space.

The origins of the Ukrainian aviation

December 17, 2003 was one hundred years from the time when the brothers Orvill and Wilbur Wright made the first manned flight on the airplane engine "Flayer -1". The range of the first flight was 37 meters and it lasted 12 seconds. That brief flight opened a new era in human history.

Amazing "inventions" of wildlife

The man is the king of nature. This phrase, known to everyone since childhood, has already "had a dry mouth" (especially today, when the nature  "thanks" to our irrational attitude with the earthquakes, hurricanes, the greenhouse effect and other manifestations of its power).

Plan K.E. Tsiolkovsky

"Many people think that I'm busily about the rocket and care about its fate for the rocket itself. It would be a grave mistake - wrote Tsiolkovsky. – The rocket for me is just the way only, a method of penetration into the depths of space, but not an end in itself.

The beginning of space exploration

1955. Space? Sputnik? These words belonged to science fiction. And although geophysical rocket rose into the sky higher and higher, and even for few minutes reached the comic heights, it was hard to believe that the space age will come so soon.

Long way to the sky

Fifty year is a long time to evaluate the meaning of the breakthrough to the space (the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth) and step by step analyze the history of successive accumulation of the data to penetrate the Universe.

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