Treat genyantritis without centesis (doctor’s advices)

In America, according to the statistic center, sinusitis became the most widespread chronical illnesses. Almost every 8th person either is ill or recovered from sinusitis. Among them every 3th person comes to doctor’s with already neglected, chronical form of the illness.

Complement - the guarantee of health [Tips doctor]

In the last century the great scientist II Mechnikov physiologist, described one of the components - the carrier of natural immunity - the so-called complement. If enough of the blood complement protective substance, it is protected from infectious diseases, and if sick, then quickly recovers.

Beware of toxicomania

In literature, the term "toxicomania" appeared quite recently. Previously there was used a generalized term "narcomania", that means a habit and painful addiction to drugs.

For early diagnosis [of cancer]

The main problem in the field of health care is timely diagnosis of the patient. Identify the disease at an early stage is necessary before it is possible to prevent its development and to bring man back to a healthy state.

The main building of the KPI during the First World War

During the 1st World War KPI main building used for defense purposes was placed in a room of food and dressing station evacuation hospital. Since August 1914 all of its middle part, except the library premises, occupied hospital.

Six effective ways against fatigue

Lectures, seminars, colloquiums, exams end ... Every day, every hour and every minute we are concerned control, certification, tests and exams ... This is the student’s fate. What if you are working somewhere else! It's just awful!


The usage of alcohol causes euphoria, soul satisfaction, stress relief. It can be explained by the effect of alcohol on human’s brain – the centers, which connected with emotions, are slowed down. The intoxication of organism is caused by ethanol (C2H2OH).

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