Lectures, seminars, colloquiums, exams end ... Every day, every hour and every minute we are concerned control, certification, tests and exams ... This is the student’s fate. What if you are working somewhere else! It's just awful! I understand you have to be too cynical to mention a horror for retirement. But please do not rush to blame me all mortal sins, and to retake, and overslept exams. I'm going the opposite once and free you from one terribly illness - fatigue. Familiar problem? So ask before reading the entire article to address all the charges in her direction. If no joke, there are six effective ways to get rid of this hateful dating girlfriend. These methods can be successfully and effectively used in our challenging student life. And not only there!

They say during the Second World War, Winston Churchill chief in his seventy worked sixteen hours a day! The fact is that every morning until eleven o'clock he decided his case without getting out of bed, read reports, dictated orders and even held important meetings. I can only imagine what was jealousy of his colleagues. After lunch was required sleep for an hour. In the evening, Churchill again given a two-hour sleep before dinner, which was served at eight. Interestingly, the famous chief did not resort to any means to reduce fatigue. He only just has adopted the first rule - to rest before you feel tired.

Try to relax in the process of working, reading the synopsis friend from medical school student writing and at home, cutting scissors sharp spurs - it's second and third rule. For example, a famous Italian singer Galli Curci before the performance always allow a few minutes rest. It helped get rid of nervous excitement before going on stage and simultaneously removed the fatigue.

However, while our less seemed busy life concerns, it appears, no less. Very often, the end of the day just falls down, but do not have time to do nothing at. Such troubles resulting transformed into excruciating headache and fatigue. In this case, you should use the fourth rule, which includes four items:

а) free your desktop from all securities other than those directly related to your problem solved;

б) set clear sequence you solved cases according to their importance;

в) try to solve the problem immediately if the facts necessary for a decision;

г) learn to organize cooperation, allocate responsibility and control.

I think you will be very surprised at learning about the fifth rule. Every day doing boring chores, we feel tired and frustrated and feel quite the opposite when busy with something interesting or favorite. So try the life principle philosophy professor delay Veyhinhera having a very strange phrase "if." Everything is elementary. Smart professor taught to act like that, "if" we were happy "if" everything goes better than ever, and so on. There are many examples of people using this rule, achieved significant success in their work, which later turned into a matter of life.

Finally, the sixth rule: Remember, no one has ever died from lack of sleep. Anxiety about insomnia causes far more damage than just insomnia.

Now you can safely expect that all problems will be solved and you immediately the next time you will have all possible means in hand to combat fatigue.

Kukharchuk Inna for the book "How to stop worrying and start living", D.Carnegie.