December 2012 . Methodical Council NTUU"KPI" heard a report from the Director of the Center for International Education NTUU"KPI" prof. B.A.Tsiganok "Strategy of development of the system of training of the number of foreign nationals at the National Technical University of Ukraine" Kiev Polytechnic Institute ", generally endorsed the Strategy presented and recommended to consider it at a meeting of the Academic Council.
Methodological Council in its decision ordered the departments and institutions start to implement strategies presented. Coordination of the work with the departments was entrusted to the University Center for International Education NTUU"KPI"
Summary ot the report B.A.Tsiganok.
"Development Strategy NTUU" KPI "for 2012-2020 (conceptual positions) and an action plan for its implementation" provides a significant increase in the contingent of foreign students at the university, along with high-quality training of bachelors, masters, candidates and doctors of sciences of foreign nationals. Because contingent of foreign students is taken into account to determine the ranking of the University in a variety of systems rated.
However, over the past few years there has been a substantial reduction of foreign students - from 1458 in 2004 (the largest in the last 20 years) to 805 in 2008 and 348 in 2012 in the same period decreased contingent of foreign graduate students - from 57 in 2004 to 28 in 2008 and 7 in 2012
this is largely due to the fact that the cost of training for foreign citizens was increased significantly. Such a conclusion can be drawn by analyzing the dynamics of changes in the admission of students to the first year, depending on the cost of training (see. Diagram).
Tuition fees - not the only one, albeit the most significant factor affecting the contingent of foreign students. Experts estimate the effect of tuition price is 40%. At the same time the quality of the educational process - 20%, the image of Ukraine in the world - 10%, living conditions - 10%, formal procedures for entry and stay in Ukraine - 5%, safety on campus - 5%, KPI image abroad - 4%, the level of medical service - 2%, the food - 2%, relations with Ukrainian students - 2%.
Also a survey of international students about possible problems in connection with training was carried out. According to it the problem occurred in 21% of the students and were mainly associated with a fast speaking teachers, as well as the insufficient number of educational materials and a lack of independent work.
Other factors affecting the quality of education of foreign students, and consequently to the number of them in the NTUU"KPI":
- lack of basic training;
- confusion of languages (Ukrainian, Russian) for training;
- duration of Masters Course NTUU"KPI" - 2 years, in other universities - 1 year;
- lack of teaching materials;
- indulgence of teachers;
- lack of laboratory equipment;
- lack of practice bases;
- isolation of graduate projects from practical problems.
Results of a survey are presented in Table. 1 and 2
After analyzing the current state of training of the number of foreign citizens, we consider it necessary to implement the following measures aimed at improving both the quality of training, as well as the attractiveness of NTUU"KPI" for foreign students, ultimately - increase the number of foreign students, and foreign graduate students in the NTUU"KPI".
1. Expansion of information and promotional activities outside Ukraine as involving university-wide structures, as well as departments, institutes, departments.
2 The study of the level of training of foreign students from major professional disciplines in the countries which make up the bulk of the foreign students "KPI". Informing the future foreign students on the requirements for their level of training of the major professional disciplines in accordance with the level of upper secondary education in Ukraine.
3. Creating a system of training of foreign nationals in three languages (Ukrainian, Russian, English), which provides a complete set of preparation of educational materials and teachers to provide training of foreign nationals from the first course and to obtain their bachelor's degree, master's degree, the candidate of sciences only in one of these languages, which should be choosen by a foreign national before, and clearly stipulated in the contract (agreement) between the NTUU"KPI" and a foreign citizen.
In case the choice of the Ukrainian language a foreign national will be involved in the learning process, together with Ukrainian students, and when the choice is Russian or English language, training will be carried out in separate groups created for economically viable number of foreign students in these groups - about 8-12 persons.
4 Determination by the heads of departments of the university, faculties (institutes) of subjects Master's theses (PhD theses) in priority areas of science and technology, in which scholars (teachers) of departments have high achievements in the modern scientific and technological level, allowing it to offer performance of Master's theses (PhD theses ) including students of the European countries, the implementation of international master's programs.
5 Increasing contingent of foreign graduate students, doctoral candidates at the University by enhancing the work of all departments, scientific advisers on the basis of a special incentive system of departments work.
6 Annual processing of pricing policy taking into account: the language of training, the international situation, the Ukrainian market of educational services, training in this or that specialty; proposals departments, faculties and institutes.
7 Determination by each faculty (institute) at least one specialty, on which is possible to train foreign nationals in the English language at the level of bachelor's, master's, PhD degree. For this specialty is necessary to form a complete set of educational materials in English; prepare teachers; develop a system of incentives to teachers.
8. Revitalization the work of departments, faculties (institutes) with foreign graduates with the creation of databases of foreign graduates, providing them with training courses (training), the invitation to the conference, the development of joint projects, etc. ..
9. Inducing of foreign citizens to participate in the "Dual Degree", which is implemented in the NTUU"KPI" in cooperation with foreign partner universities, training at the joint Ukrainian-German Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
10 Provide the contro system of attendance courses by foreign students and quality of their learning tasks (taking tests, exams, certifications, perform undergraduate, Master's theses, dissertations for academic degrees) with the introduction of the principles of rewards and punishments.
11 The development of an international, tolerant student environment in NTUU"KPI" by: attracting foreign students, graduate students to work in student government, in the Faculty Academic Council (institutions) in the Academic Council of the University; support the work of local associations of foreign students; organization of the work of the International Student Club "Friendship" with the participation of Ukrainian and foreign students; involvement of foreign nationals to participate in competitive sports, amateur clubs, tour programs and other cultural events.
12. Full support through the Scientific and Technical Library of the University foreign students teaching materials: textbooks, manuals, online resource (including hostels), including textbooks in English of the fundamental disciplines - physics, chemistry, biology, economics, etc..
13. Implementation of measures for the recognition of overseas higher education diplomas obtained by foreign students, graduate students, who studied in the NTUU"KPI".
14. Expanding the range and types of educational services, especially in the new priority specialties for foreign nationals (full, including education, the second higher education, training, internships, practice courses Ukrainian and other languages, history, geography and culture of Ukraine, short-term specialized courses etc.) with the appropriate information and advertising component.
15. Improving the living conditions of foreign nationals in the campus NTUU"KPI" with full use of funds received as payment for the accommodation of foreign nationals on campus according individual annual cost estimates agreed with DEF involving management of campus and the Center for International Education.
16. In partnership with the Lviv National University of Franko, other universities of Ukraine (by consent) to create a system test of foreign nationals to determine the level of knowledge of the Ukrainian language in accordance with the 6-level European system of examination and evaluation of the level of language proficiency.
17 Activation of the work with the Ukrainian embassies in foreign countries and foreign embassies in Ukraine, centers, businesses, other government agencies that are engaged in the recrutment of their citizens to study in foreign universities, through agreements and contracts.
18. Creation of sceintific-educational centers of NTUU"KPI" on the base of foreign universities-partners with organisation of work of NTUU"KPI" teachers in them, including language training of foreign nationals to study at NTUU"KPI".
19. In order to create a positive image of the university of foreign nationals make an arrangement of the territory around the building number 31 NTUU "KPI", neighborhood, redecorating dormitories number 7, 8, 15, 19. Regular work on crime prevention from foreign nationals as well as in relation to them.
20 Ongoing work with insurance companies, medical institutions in the health care of foreign nationals, prevention them from diseases.
21 Cooperation with state authorities of Ukraine concerning improvement of legislation concerning the stay of foreigners in Ukraine for training purposes. Development of proposals to government bodies of Ukraine on the implementation of light-duty visa invitations and transmission procedures in the migration service.
B.A.Tsiganok, director of the Center for International Education NTUU"KPI"
Table 2 Results of the survey of foreign students regarding living conditions
Subject asked | Completely satisfied with the number of students (%) | Completely dissatisfied with the number of students (%) | Is difficult to answer the number of students (%) |
Administration dorm3 | 36 (40%) | 32(36%) | 21(24%) |
Center for International Education 55 (62%) 17 (19%) 17 (19% | 55( 62%) | 17 (19 %) | 17( 19%) |
Dean of the Faculty (Institute), where you learn | 65 (73%) | 10 (11%) | 14 (16%) |
The department, in which you learn to | 58 (65%) | 15 (17%) | 16 (18%) |
Police | 27 (30%) | 23 (26%) | 39 (44%) |
protection department NTUU "KPI" | 35 (39%) | 18 (20%) | 36 (41%) |
Table 1 results of the survey of foreign students about the work of units
Subject asked | Fair
Number of students (%) |
Good number of students (%) | Poor Number of students (%) |
General Condition of rooms | 18 (20%) | 47 (53%) | 24 (27%) |
Repair and maintenance of plumbing | 17 (19%) | 36 (40.5%) | 36 (40.5%) |
maintenance of electrical LP | (34%) | 35 (39%) | 24 (27%) |
Provision of furniture | 28 (32%) | 34 (38%) | 27 (30% ) |
Cleaning of common areas | 24 (27%) | 47 (53%) | 18 (20%) |
Attitude of hostel personel t to foreign students | 18 (20%) | 52 (58.5%) | 19 (21,5%) |