The winners of the KPI Talents Contest 2018

On May 16th, in the exhibition hall of the academic building №7 was the closure of the second part of the KPI Talents Contest 2018 where 45 participants presented about 180 works in the genie of photography and computer graphics.

Meeting with the representatives of Canadore College

On May, 17 Igor Sikorsky KPI was visited by the president of Canadore College and the Invest North Bay Development Corporation, a member of the Supervisory Board of North Bay Airport George Burton (Canada, Ontario).

Shaping tournament 2018

       In order to popularize sport and healthy lifestyle, some competitions on the shaping according to the program of Sports and Athletics Meeting of KPI were held on April 18, 2018.

Collegiate Electrochemical Technologies Contest

For the second time, the Department of Chemistry, Technology of Electrochemical Production of the Chemical Technology Istitute of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute conducted (from April 17 to April 19) the All-Ukrainian Collegiate Contest "Electrochemical Technologies of Inorganic and Orga

New technologies for municipal heat engineering

A scientific and practical conference "Results of the heating season 2017-2018, the perspectives of the implementation of new technologies in the field of heat supply" was held in the end of April.

International Intellectual Property Day 2018

On April 26, 2018 a scientific and practical seminar "Creation, security and protection of objects of innovations" dedicated to the International Day of Intellectual Property was held at Igor Sikorsky KPI.

Future power engineers compete

У КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського на базі ІЕЕ з 23 по 26 квітня за наказом МОН України пройшов ІІ етап Всеукраїнської студентської олімпіади зі спеціальності 141 та 144

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