Igor Valentynovych Kovalenko is 70!

On May,22 Igor Valentynovych Kovalenko, associate professor of chemical, polymeric and silica machine building chair Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Doctor of technical sciences has turned 70 years old.

Start-up is easy!

On October,11 in Library of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute an interesting and inspiring lecture "Start-up is easy!" was taking place.

How the name of our university changed

Of the 120 years of existence of Kyiv Polytechnic, 100 fell on the turbulent XX century. Due to changes in the political system and the current situation in the country, there have been constant changes in the name of our university.

So, in order.


IASA student - silver prizewinner of World Cup

Sophomore student (group KA-77) Master of Sport of Ukraine Fedir Karpovych took part in XIX World Cup of sport radio direction finding as part of national youth team of Ukraine and took the 2nd place in personal offset.

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