Congratulations to the students KPI with prizes in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers and XIII Ukrainian tournament of student physicists. We wish them continued success !!!
Faculty of Electronics NTUU "KPI" pays much attention to international cooperation in the scientific and educational sphere. Recently there was an event which, of course, was a landmark for the entire faculty and KPI.
On November 20-th, 2014 the VII Olympiad on circuit theory was held. It has been organized by the Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics of the Faculty of Electronics and is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Vitaly Petrovich Sigorsky, a prominent scientist and educator.
November 27 of this year would have turned 75 years since the birth of associate professor of acoustics department of NTUU "KPI" Igor Leonidovich Oboznenko - an outstanding expert in the field of acoustics. Unfortunately, for 9 years we do not have him with us.
From October 11 to October 24, a group of students of the Faculty of Electronics (Departments of microelectronics, electronic appliances and devices) was at the Dresden Technical University (Germany) on educational and technological practice (under the Agreement on a double diploma between NTUU"K
The nature created the human being as a perfect one, but in the same time very sensitive to all sorts of diseases, which shorten its age. At the same time scientists can improve the quality of the life, make it more comfortable.
If you look through the filing of "Kyiv Polytechnic" in recent years or in google archive, the surname of associate professor of microelectronics, Ph.D. Anatoly T. Orlov can be met quite often.
Administration, trade union organization and collective NTUU "KPI" with deep regret inform that the researcher at the Faculty of Electronics Andriy Eremenko died a heroic death for the freedom and independence of Ukraine 21/08/2014 in the area of the ATO.