Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Library address :37, Prospect Beresteiskyi, Kyiv, 03056.
Tel. / Fax , ( 044) 204-82-75
E-mail: library[at]library.kpi.ua
Scientific and technical library named after H.I. Denysenko
The KPI Library is the largest technical university library in Ukraine, located in the center of the campus - the Square of Knowledge.
The KPI Library was founded in 1898, at the same time as Kyiv Polytechnic. Its first premises was a 31.5-m2 room in the Commercial School, and the first librarian was Mykola Bilyashivsky, an archaeologist, ethnographer, and later one of the first academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 1965, the library received the status of a scientific and technical library.
Anyone can become a user of the KPI Library, but for the period of martial law, the library serves only students, teachers and staff of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (according to the university order № nu/44 of 24.02.2022). University students are served on the basis of a student card. For other categories of users (faculty and staff of the university and external users), a library card is issued.
Library resources and services
KPI Library is 14 000 m2 for studying, research, work, self-development, communication and recreation. There are 10 reading rooms, 4 halls, a student space Belka, and an open electronics laboratory Lampa. There are three types of spaces (green, red, and orange), so that both those who like to work alone in silence and those who like to work in a lively team environment can find a place in them.
The collection of printed and electronic publications includes more than 2.3 million copies, including rare and valuable documents, educational and scientific materials, periodicals, and fiction.
In 2020, the Digital Library of Kyiv Polytechnic was created, which presents rare and valuable publications, materials on the history of the university, scientific works of professors and lecturers until the mid-twentieth century, archival documents and documents of social life of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
Since 2022, the Library has implemented Catalog+, a single point of access to all the Library's information resources, so that users can simultaneously search for materials on the topic of interest in the e-catalog (all printed publications available in the Library), the ELAKPI e-archive (all electronic publications of the University), the Digital Library of Kyiv Polytechnic (digitized publications from the Library's collections), as well as in some full-text free access databases.
All services of the Library are available on the website.
You can also book a free excursion in the KPI Library, attend open educational, scientific, cultural, and artistic events.
The Library is open for cooperation!