Nina Anatoliyivna Volhina: Life devoted to science

At the start of the year, the staff of the Department of Machines and Apparatus of Chemical and Oil Refinery Productions congratulated Nina Anatoliyivna Volhina, the leader engineer, on her turning 70 years old.

Volk Singing Theatre of amateurs “ETA” is 60!

On the 1st of April, 1959, the fourth-year student of the Mechanical Faculty of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Vitaly Ivashchenko, founded a student theatre of variety miniatures, which was called the Variety Theatre of Emotions – “ETA” (in Ukrainian).

The University will protect its professional reputation in court

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute referred a claim to the Kyiv Commercial court against broadcasters who spread doubtful information about his activities (PJSC "Television and Radio Company Lux" and LLC "Information Agency 24"), professional reputation protection, refutation of ineligible information and non-pecuniary damage.

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