The second year the chair of mathematical analysis and theory of probability FMF and State Polytechnic Museum at NTUU "KPI" conduct joint seminars to devoted distinguished mathematicians who worked in the KPI. Gone seminars to devoted Zmorovych, OS Smohorzhevsky, YD Sokolov. In the end of last year , a seminar to the 85th anniversary of Evgen Viktorovskyy (1926-1956) - " Ukrainian Galois ." He miraculously coincided with the events that unfolded in Kiev around the wrecking of the house of his grandfather ( architectural monument of the nineteenth century.) William Christer , who was a well-known Maecenas-entrepreneur. Experts of Kiev, argue that it is through his work Kyiv in the early XX century. gained a reputation as one of the greenest cities in the world .
Eugene Viktorovskyy published only six works. But they contain fundamental results of the qualitative theory of differential equations ( AS) . The main object of his studies were of DSBs with discontinuous with unbounded nonlinearities , Topological and metric properties of the set of generalized curves. He proposed a new constructive method for constructing an effective DR solutions , extreme in some ways, actually laid the first brick in the foundation of good optimal control theory . Some of his research results apply to nonlinear integral and partial DR .
Life Eugene Viktorovsky was difficult. In 1938, his father died . During the Great Patriotic War, Eugene forced deported to work in Germany. In the years 1945-1948 he warked in the Soviet military administration initially statistician , and translator (he perfectly knew German , and during the war had to learn French, English , Polish , Spanish and Romanian ). In his spare time he studied the works of German mathematicians K.Karateodori and O.Perrona . Back in Kyiv , took an external night school for working youth ( 1949 ), entered the Physical and Mathematical faculty of Kiev National Pedagogical Institute named after Gorky , where the extraordinary mathematical ability was transferred from the first course right on the 3rd . " Y.Viktorovskyy another student's desk original method was first unleashed a series of complex mathematical issues related to the spread of Chaplygin - Perron algorithm to the problem of large -theoretic functional significance of solutions of differential equations in the most general terms Carathéodory " - wrote Professor Remez who noticed unusual mathematical Eugen’s abilities is a freshman . After graduation in 1952 Y..V.Viktorovskoh sent to work as a math teacher in a remote village Cherkassy ( the Donbass ), although he had a recommendation to post-graduate course at the Department of Mathematical Analysis Kiev Pedagogical Institute
In 1953 V.A.Zmorovych outstanding efforts of professors and O.S.Smohorzhevskyy " pulled " Y.Viktorovskyof the " backwoods" and invited to work as an assistant KPI Department of Mathematics .
teaching , the opportunity to do research work elated Eugene. Gradually, the name of a talented mathematician was known in all the departments KPI. The surrounding was amazing that they had never seen him at the desk with much thought. To which he replied: "I meet the challenge at home or mentally while riding on trams . I would say more if I can not meet the challenge, build a proof of the assertion mentally , the pen, pencil and paper does not help me ... ". But this amazing work of his intellect preceding long hours in academic libraries on the study of original works of the best mathematicians in the world .
inherent ability to think concisely , knowledge of the world's best scientific heritage led to the invaluable contributions in mathematics, including the theory of optimal control (OC ). Theory OC started a S.Zaremboyu ( 1934 ) It solves the problem of designing a system that provides for a specific object or process control or management of a law directed sequence of actions that correspond to the maximum or minimum of a given set of quality criteria. For the task of optimal control of a mathematical model of the controlled object or process that describes its behavior over time under the influence of control factors and their current status.
Main thing that made E. Viktorovskyy towards a theory oc - a general theory of discontinuous systems, which was fully formed in his dissertation and became the basis for the construction of complex mathematical models. This research its successor , the head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics, Moscow Physical -Technical Institute M.A.Ayzermanom in 1982 at the Institute of Automation and remote control of the USSR was organized nonlinear dynamics of laboratory management processes , led Y. S. Pyatnytskyy by which initiated in 1982 the laboratory for processing large volumes of data in hierarchical systems.
In 60-80 years of the twentieth century. of labor Y.Viktorovskyyof studied M.V.Azbelyevyy academician and his disciples R.K.Rahimhanov , O.B.Samarov , Lee Mun Su etc. The results obtained Y.Y.Viktorovskyy in work of " On a generalization of the concept of integral curves for discontinuous field lines " (1954 ), they introduce a new approach to solving relay differential and integral equations .
Eugene Viktorovsky died a month after defending his doctoral thesis “On a generalization of the concept of integral curves for discontinuous field lines " ( Oficial - Professors O.S.Smohorzhevskyy and Y.M.Berezanskyy ), for which specialized academic council radio department KPI unanimously awarded him the scientific doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. The thesis talented scientist investigated flat field directions given by the equation with discontinuous right-hand side and proved ( mainly in this paper ) theorem on the existence of generalized solutions of DR. This theorem gave constructive building extreme decisions has not been achieved even for equations of Carathéodory . He also found the answer to the question , trying to solve the outstanding mathematicians of the past - Vale Pusen , MF Bokshteyn , V.V.Nemytskyy made O.Perrona propagation method , generalization of Theorem Fukuhara and Theorem Tikhonov - Knezera . This research thesis supervisor , Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Y.Y.Remez took to the set-theoretic direction in the theory of AS and said: "Each of the eight chapters Y.Y.Viktorovskoho thesis , taken separately, may be considered more than sufficient to complete the thesis for the degree of PhD. In general, it surpasses even the doctoral level . " Protection was held in great physical filled to capacity audiences KPI. The work of the young scientist has been praised as Kiev mathematicians and guests invited from Moscow and Leningrad. Professor V A Zmorovych , at that time head of the Department of Mathematics KPI , where he worked E E Viktorovskyy , compared it to a prominent French mathematician E. Galois . It was a real celebration of science. The author of this moment was infinitely happy - applause, flowers, greeting, excited crowd of students and colleagues in the hallway near the door of the audience.
And now the legacy E E Viktorovsky not lost its relevance. The results of his research are used in many of our contemporaries dissertation papers . Introduced as a field scientist cones areas opened the way for the study of complex processes in mechanics, electrical engineering, chemistry, thermodynamics and celestial mechanics . Mathematicians from the United States celebrated the genius works of E E Viktorovsky and took the results as a basis for his mathematical theories. They introduced new mathematical term " solution in the sense Viktorovsky " and "funnel Viktorovsky ".
But work Y.Y.Viktorovsky today insufficiently studied. They are difficult to read and understand because their author write only certain stages of mathematical solutions , and the rest thanks to his talent performing mental. Research scientist jobs may open up new directions in mathematics. These studies are a matter of pride of our countrymen. Asset scientist can not be lost ! It is hoped that our talented contemporaries can " decode " and develop scientific contributions Y.Y.Viktorovsky , and the world , a new thorough mathematical theory for further progressive development of science.