To make decisions carefully

Scientific and educational complex "IASA" is a powerful center of scientific, technical and educational activities in the field of applied system analysis, the latest information technology and computer science.

Shumska Alla Antonovny. Bereginia

The romantics and lyrics of sixties-romance are still among us. It is due to their efforts, the desire of goodness and justice, honor and dignity, love and creativity our world becomes more harmonious. Their ideas and principles of life already are professed by children and grandchildren.

Women volunteers KPI: help and warm

We regularly inform our readers with the activity of Volunteer Battalion of the KPI. This Battalion aims to help the Ukrainian military - ATO participants. Today, we will speak about the important role played by women - employees of the University in such an important charity work.

Young researcher of the IPT

The freshman FTI Anastasia Ivanova from school was fond of mathematics and physics. In 9th grade she wrote her first scientific study and participated in the National competition of scientific projects Intel ISEF.

Women make the planet cleaner

The department of environmental biotechnology and bioenergy Faculty of Biotechnology and Biotechnic (Head - prof. E.V.Kuzminsky) is one of the youngest in the NTUU "KPI".

Fitness in the workplace

The rhythm of modern life leaves the women little of free time for the favorite hobbies. Most of them do not have time for exercise, to maintain the figure in good shape.

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