To your success, dreamers! The scholar of the rector 2016 FEL

Everything flows, everything changes... This is an ancient phrase, which is relevant in our time, when the ultra–fast pace of developing technology into a single unit fused technical and human capacities as the ability to clearly set goals and is already a necessity to be able to implement them.

Department of MAHNV: to train specialists of new formation

Building Ukraine in terms of European integration requires ensuring high social standards, which is impossible without the development of the real economy, driven by the development of industry with a focus on creating innovative high-tech industries, which in turn requires the labor market a suf

Burnashev Vitaliy controls movement and teaches others

The increasing popularity in the world is gained by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The sphere of theirs application extends: from military action to rescue operations, doctors, firefighters, agriculture and a small-sized supply of goods.

The unique book of M. Faradey

The prominent English scientist Michael Faraday studied only in elementary school, and the first idea about science received from the popular science books and lectures.

The conference of science and technology history

On September 29-30, 2016 in the State Polytechnic Museum at NTUU "KPI after Igor Sikorsky" was the XV Ukrainian national scientific conference on the subject "Topical issues of science and technology history".

"Sushka" under any weather conditions!

Recently for the sixth time took place a photo exhibition "Sushka of KPI 2016". However this year it was not like as its predecessors. Due to the bad weather conditions for the first time this event was held in Art Space called "Bashnya KPI".

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