Responsible and Persistant Mykolaiets Dmytro Anatoliiovych

The senior lecturer of the Department of Industrial Electronics of the Faculty of Electronics (FEL) Dmytro Anatoliiovych Mykolaiets - specialist in systems of compensation of reactive energy – was also named among the winners of the university competition "Young Teacher-Researcher 2016".

At Academic Council Meeting: 02.10.2017

The question about the results of admission to postgraduate studies in 2017 was the next to be considered. The pro-rector of scientific work M.Iu.Ilchenko made a report.

Student of Faculty of Chemical Technology- Winner of Chemistry Olympiad

Let’s get acquainted: Andrii Shendrik is a fourth-year student of the faculty of Chemical Technology of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. He studies the chemical synthesis of cosmetics and food additives at the Physical Chemistry department.

Honoring the memory of Mikhail Kravchuk

On October 10, 2017 is celebrated the 125th birthday of Myhailo Kravchuk (1892-1942), the most prominent Ukrainian mathematician of the 20th century, who entered the treasury of world science with his works on higher algebra, mathematical analysis, the theory of differential and integral equations, probability theory, and mathematical statistics. On this day a solemn meeting, devoted to honoring the memory of an outstanding scientist, was held in the Hall of Meetings of the Academic Council of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

Viktor Heorhiiovych Kravets is 80!

The head of the Department of Geotechnical Construction and Mining Technologies of Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management Viktor Heorhiiovych Kravets turned 80 on October 9, 2017.

Science is a great puzzle

Senior lecturer of the Department of Instruments and Systems of Orientation and Navigation of Faculty of Instrumentation Engineering Sergey Alekseyevich Tsybulnik is the winner of the University Contest "Young Teacher-Researcher 2016". Kiev Polytechnic he considers his second home.

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