Best groups of 2017 were chosen

A contest for the best academic group came to an end. This year there were a lot of participants, and strict judges fairly chose the winners.

Opening of the Boris Hnedenko’s memorial tablet

On December 5, 2017, a memorial plate dedicated to the outstanding mathematician, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Boris Hnedenko (1912-1995), was opened on the building on 10 Prorizna Str., where he lived with his wife and two sons in 1950s (at that time he was the director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR).

“Masterpieces out of magic scraps” exhibition

An exhibition "Magic Scraps" was organized in the Picture Gallery of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Center for Culture and Arts. 15 masters presented their works in the technique of “petchwork” during this exhibition.

FMM is a best place to hear jokes and laugh at expense

Second game of the KPI League of Laughter season took place on December 7 at the Center for Culture and Art. Teams faced in a fierce struggle for the right to own the Winter Cup and represent our university at the All-Ukrainian Festival "League of Laughter-2018" in Odesa.

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