Fedotkin Igor Mykhailovych

June 15, 2011 we celebrated 90 years of talented scientist and teacher, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department in the past, and now a leading researcher of the department of chemical, polymer and silica engineering Igor Mykhailovych Fedotkin.

Mikulonok Igor Olegovych. Always in search

In 2009 Mikulonok Igor Olegovych won the honorary title of "teacher-researcher" for the third time. He works at the Department of machinery and apparatus of chemical and petroleum production of engineering and chemical faculty for over 20 years.

Dormitory #19

Address of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute hostel number 19 (XTF, IHF, FSP, FBT): 03056, Kyiv, Borschagivska street, 146
Tel. 204 92 65

History of Faculty of Chemical Engineering

The beginning of the 30s of last century was the period of industrialization in the Soviet Union. The main classical construction and building materials - metal, metal alloys, brick, wood, etc - no longer met the needs of the economy under conditions of rapid technological progress.

Dormitory #15

Address of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute dormitory number 15 (RTF, FL, IHF)03057, Kyiv - 57, Mykhaila Braichevskoho street, 5 (former Metallistiv Street)

Dormitory #14

Address of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute dormitory #14 (FPM, IASA, IHF): 03057, Kyiv, lane Kovalskoho, 5

Tel. 204 94 99

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