In modern industry bulk solids are widely used. Besides in metallurgy and electrothermal industries we can’t manage without coal-like powder with definite electric, chemical and thermal characteristics.

Researcher from the department of chemical, polymeric and silicate machine engineering of FCE Taras Chyrka divided his experimental and theoretical researches to indicate heat conduction and electrical conductance of coal-like bulk solids, identification of correlative dependence between them, defining the influence different features of coal-like bulk solids on temperature fields in high-temperature units. The importance and effectiveness of these researches were marked with the scholarship of Kabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists.

Taras Vsevolodovych Chyrka – the graduator from KPI 2010, get the magister diploma on the chair of theoretical and industrial heating engineering of FHPE (thesis adviser  c. t. s., assistant professor M.F. Bozhenko). From 2010 to 2013 he studied at post-graduate course on the chair of chemical, polymeric and silicate machine engineering of FCE and worked in science research center “Resource saving technologies”, that was under the direction of Doctor of technical science professor E.M. Panov.

    Under the direction of candidate of technical science G.M. Vasylchenko during his studying at the graduating course T.V. Chyrka worked at a very important science problem – researching coal-like powder materials.  The results of his hard work were earlier study graduating, presentation of a thesis and getting the scientist rang of the candidate of technical sciences on the speciality 05.14.06 – “technical termophysics and industrial heat engineering”. Now he is works as a collaborator on the chair of chemical, polymeric and silicate machine building of FCE and NDCh “Resource saving technologies“ in NTUU “KPI”. His science interests are connected with physical features of carbon-like matherials, recourse and energy saving  in high – temperature processes.

Taras Chyrka is an author of 43 publications including 1 – monograph, 5 patents. We wish good luck and further creative success to our young researcher!

Іnf. FCE
Translator: Анна Столяр ЛА-11