Kyrpychovs: wonder family

There are many families in history who have given humanity a whole dynasty of scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of science and technology.

From the history of Kyiv bridges

The lecture about the history of Kyiv bridges and the role of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in their creation by famous Kyiv historian Valery Lysenko was the ending of December cycle of historical studios ‘Think about it’, organized by NTB of G.

How the name of our university changed

Of the 120 years of existence of Kyiv Polytechnic, 100 fell on the turbulent XX century. Due to changes in the political system and the current situation in the country, there have been constant changes in the name of our university.

So, in order.


Builders and founders of Kyiv Polytechnics

A lecture by a well-known Kyiv historian Myhailo Kalynitsky “Outstanding Kyiv architects of the early twentieth century - employees of the Polytechnic Institute” from the cycle of historical studies “Think about it” gathered on 24th of August in the NTB students and university lecturers, city tou

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