Dear Kyiv Polytechnics! The Day of Unity of Ukraine is a holiday celebrated annually on January 22, the day of the proclamation of the Act of Unification of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the Western Ukrainian People's Republic, which took place in 1919.
Dear Kyiv polytechnicians! On January 22, 1919, the Unification Act (“Act Zluky”) of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the West Ukrainian People's Republic was signed in Sophia Square in the capital, integrating Ukrainians and Ukrainian lands into one state.
Dear Kyiv polytechnicians! The dramatic, murderous, beyond common sense 2022 year is coming to an end. For the Ukrainian people, this is a year of courage and dignity, a year of approaching the cherished independence and sovereignty.
We thank the indomitable and courageous warriors of brightness and goodness!
Thanks to you, polytechnicians can hold the educational front — teach and learn!
This year's Students’ Day was celebrated in a special way at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
Each institute and faculty chose students known for their social activism: those who volunteered and supported the life of the university during the war.