Choir summer tours

From July 26 to August 2, 2017 the Academic Folk Choir of Igor Sikorsky KPI visited the Baltic States. The music group led by Ruslan Bondar performed in Riga, the capital of Latvia, the ancient Latvian city of Valmiera, and also in the capital of Estonian, Tallinn.

The Folk Academic Choir Concert

On January 12, 2017 the Academic Folk Choir of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky gave solo Christmas concert in the premises of Lutheran Church of St. Catherine in Kiev.

Success of choral choir

Academic Folk Choir KPI twice a year rides with a concerts abroad. This summer, the choir traveled to Romania, where took part in the IV International Festival of Choral Music by Gabriel Muzychesku that was held in Yassi.

Honoring Lydia Padalko

May 25 was the 95' anniversary of Lidia Alexandrovna Padalko - honored Artist of Ukraine, the founder and many year leader of the People's academic chapel of KPI.

Jamala in the KPI

Each of us rejoices and proud of Jamala's victory at the competition "Eurovision". But not all of us know that this outstanding and at the same time still very young singer repeatedly acted with the National academic choral chapel of NTUU "KPI" (the artistic director - Ruslan Bondar).

Choral Choir KPI CAROLS

8-11 January Choral Choir KPI participated in XVII National Ukrainian Christmas festival "Velyka Kolyada", which was in Lviv. The team played with great success carols and songs.

Choir Festival in France

In May Folk Academic Choir KPI participated in the international festival of choral music, which was held in a small French town Gerzat, located a few kilometers north of Clermont-Ferrand - the capital of the Auvergne region. We crossed almost the whole of Europe by bus.

Chubynsky Vladimir Dmitrievich. Polytechnic, poet, teacher

The song (words and melody) is written by KPI student, the participant of choir Vladimir Dmitrievich Chubynsky. It seems this is not the accident (surprisingly). To create a work that will be a symbol of something great, the person should be an implement of the same period. And Chubynsky was such a person.

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