G. Synytsia Art Gallery of NTUU "KPI"

Head: Victoria Stanislavivna Tiotkina.
Tel.: 204-91-35

The university art gallery is unique among universities' art galleries in the world both in artwork and activity. It is not only the epicenter of artistic events at the university, but also an integral part of the educational process, as well as aesthetic and spiritual guide for technical youth.

KPI students took part in the Assembly of Ukrainian Choral Music

At the end of May, the Igor Sikorsky Folk Academic Choir took part in the XIII Assembly of Ukrainian Choral Music "Our Thought, Our Song Will Not Die, Will Not Perish".

The director is Honored Artist of Ukraine Natalia Krechko, and the choirmaster is Dmytro Meleshchenko.

KPI students took the Grand Prix

Dance Theater "Art Ballet" of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute won the Grand Prix of the II International Festival-Contest of Arts SPRING TALENTS, which took place in Kyiv.

The head of the team is Maria Karavska.

With unwavering faith and strength of spirit

War and peace intertwined in one exhibition, but with unwavering faith in our Victory - this is how the exhibition opened on May 14 at the Center for Culture and Arts of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute can be described. Or rather, there are two of them: "Faces of Power" by artist Natalia Duka and "Kyiv Motifs" by Asya Kolos. 

Winners of the contest "KPI Talents" - 2024

he art contest "KPI Talents" - 2024, which was held under the slogan "With spring in the heart - to the Victory", is over. The results have been summarized and the winners have been announced.

The Peace Light of Bethlehem shone in Kyiv Polytechnic

For the second time, Ukrainian scouts delivered the fire from Bethlehem to Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. They hold such an event every year before Christmas.

Anyone could light a candle and bring a piece of the Bethlehem Fire to their homes.

"Country of my soul": painting and sculpture

This is the title of a joint solo exhibition of sculptor Volodymyr Filatov and artist Alisa Anisimova, which opened on November 14 at the H. Synitsa Art Gallery in the KPI Center for Culture and Arts.

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