Forum ‘Chornobyl Lessons for Nuclear World Safety’

On April, 22nd famous politicians, prominent scientists, best nuclear power, ecology, radiobiology and radiation medicine experts met in the Arts and Culture Center of NTUU ‘KPI’ on the international forum ‘Chornobyl Lessons for Nuclear World Safety’.

Round table: ‘Chornobyl Nuclear Power Station – 30 years later’

On April 7th, a round table: ‘Chornobyl Nuclear Power Station – 30 years later’ organized by the Ukrainian nuclear community (UNC), State specialized enterprise of CNPS, National Nuclear Energy-generating company ‘Energoatom’ and NTUU ‘KPI’ took place in the Academic Board Hall.

Chernobyl: 30 years later

This year on 18 February, a group of students and employees of KPI visited places directly connected with the greatest manmade disaster of the -the accident at the fourth reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Robot for radiation researching of waters

One of the winners of the fourth festival of innovative projects "Sikorsky Challenge 2015" was the development of FEL scientists - "RadScout mk.3, robot to survey radiation contaminated waters," which received a grant from the Kuchma "Ukraine" in 12 thousand USD.

Design development of FAX. Radiation counters of IDRI MP "Rhythm"

The disaster at Chernobyl demonstrated the need to create robotic systems, capable of working in dangerous for life and health situations. The development of such systems since 1996 actively carried out in the Interdisciplinary Research Institute of mechanics problems (IDRI MP) "Rhythm" of FAX.

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