Research Teaching Fellow - 2008

According to the Academic Board decision of National technical university of Ukraine “Kyiv polytechnic institute”, the lists of winners of NTUU “KPI” competition in the following nominations: “Research teaching fellow – 2008”, “Young research teaching fellow-2008”

Research teaching fellow - 2007

The list of the academic teaching staff of the university, who according to the decision of the Academic board of NTUU "KPI" on January 14, 2008, were admitted as the winners in nominations " Research teaching fellow - 2007" and "Young Research teaching fellow -2017 ".

Above the sky in a sport club of Hand Gliding at KPI "Altair"

"... The apparatur is brought to the top of the flank. I still have not realized that felt at a time when I was preparing for run. Perhaps, happiness and joyness, perhaps fear. I knew only that I really like it and understand what now happens something very significant for me.

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