Ukrainian-Bulgarian monograph "Nanoelectronics": the first reviews

In the SRD the leading scientists of Ukraine began to do reviews on published and tested in the research and educational practice manuals, textbooks, monographs, nominated by the councils of the faculties for receiving the annual award of NTUU "KPI" in the competition for the best textbook, manua

Eastern wisdom in Ukrainian

Recently it was published by "Ukrainian writer" the book "Word of the prophet." This verse paraphrase of poetic and philosophical essays classics of world literature, the Lebanese-American philosopher, essayist, novelist and artist Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931).

Lithographed tutorials in STL

1794 in Paris, it was started the first public technical school - Central School of Public Works (later renamed the Ecole polytechnique – Polytechnic School).

Presentation of the book "The Coast of the Universe"

October 3, a presentation of a collection of reminiscences of veterans of the Baikonur Cosmodrome "Coast of the universe" was held at the exhibition hall of the Section of Aviation and Astronautics named after I.Sikorsky of State Politechnic Museum NTUU "KPI".

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