Mykola Soroka. Biographical story "One more spring". II part

.. Eugene returned to his homeland happy and elated. Warsaw remained behind, he was sitting in a wagon of train and thought about one thing: how to meet his mother, his dear sister. They returned earlier and lived in Kyiv, in fact, not far from Kyiv – in the hamlet of Shevchenko.

Mykola Soroka. Biographical story "One more spring". I part

The bells were dinging, buzzing, like only copper does, drawlingly, absorbing the whole plain. Silver distance was swinging, and the sun was mercilessly blazing in the eyes. It was so low that even the smell of burnt could be felt. But then, little by little the bells calmed down, as if someone was playing with them, and then completely cut some thin string.

Vintage Editions on Arts and Architecture in STL

The library stock of rare and valuable books of H.I. Denysenko’s Scientific and Technical Library of NTUU “KPI” keeps many books on various branches of science and education, including textbooks from XVIII–XX c. Among the books, the collection of literature on arts and architecture of XIX–XX c.

The Book about Leonard

During the exploration of old part of library fund, certainly encounter the publication, which was earned the great famous in various sciences, technology or art, but nowadays-is little known.

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