Gift to Library

H.I.Denysenko Scientific and Technical Library "KPI" expresses gratitude to Victor Korsun, a deputy executive director of the Ukrainian Science and Technology Center, for donated publication in the amount of 140 copies.

Contract with SSPC "Cartography"

On the 2nd of April the meeting of the principal of "KPI", supervisor of WDC Ukraine and academician of NAS of Ukraine Mikhailo Zgurovsky with the delegation of the State Scientific and Production Company (SSPC) "Cartography", headed by the director of the institution and the Doctor of geographic

Presentation: "Shevchenko encyclopedia"

Shevchenkovo word and the thought that always attracts the attention of the general public, acquires a special significance during Shevchenko days that whole Ukraine celebrates. This year the Ukrainian and world community celebrates the 200th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko.

Izdatelstvo Izvestiy KPI's Founding Story

Researchers who research institutions of higher learning usually emphasize new scientific schools and personalia, cultural events, etc. But the educational process is impossible without printed materials.

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