National Atlas of Ukraine - a gift KPI

Now one of the achievements of independent Ukraine - First National Atlas of Ukraine (NAU) is available at NTUU "KPI". This gift on behalf of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine made on September 4 Rudenko, corr.

Recall old newspaper stager. Flashback

 First I came to the editor’s office in 1967, when i was a student of 2nd year acousto-electric faculty. The desire to write articles and better to learn the Ukrainian language I had long ago and this led me came to the editor’s office. I met Boris Samiylovych Mirsky.

The origins of the Ukrainian aviation

December 17, 2003 was one hundred years from the time when the brothers Orvill and Wilbur Wright made the first manned flight on the airplane engine "Flayer -1". The range of the first flight was 37 meters and it lasted 12 seconds. That brief flight opened a new era in human history.

"Science News of KPI" - 10 years!

September 26 1997 the Ministry of Information of Ukraine registered the new edition of magazine "Science news of National Technical University of Ukraine" Kyiv Polytechnic Institute ". This date can be regarded as the birthday of our magazine.

With New Year's greetings. Cards and greetings

New Year is a joyful and funny holiday, it is hard to imagine without a Christmas paraphernalia: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Christmas trees and toys, glasses of champagne, snowflakes, sparkles and greeting cards.

Korolev. From the book K.P.Feoktistov "Seven steps to the sky"

In our time, the new technology is created by huge groups of specialists in various fields. In these circumstances, the creator of a new type of technology is the organizer and leader of the major research and development. In its core business, he moves farther from the direct technical work.

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