Student Games – 2013

From 2 to 5 December, 2013 Student Social Service "KPI" held a traditional set of events - marathon "Student Games" to promote healthy lifestyle and raise awareness of the risk of HIV / AIDS, hepatitis B and C.

Gifts to the children

On St. Nicholas’ Day kids expect gifts. Adults are have the opportunity to marvel that will give pleasure to  children and make their lives more interesting at this day.

The winter fairytale at the campus

The Christmas festive atmosphere dominated at the campus since the 20th of December. Students furnished their faculty’s buildings, and hostel’s walls creating their “own” fairytale. Blue wooden horse year has already on the way therefore it became a hostel design symbol.

Olympiad in Mechanotronics

On November, 20-22 at the Department of Applied Mechanics and Aerohydromechanotronics of Institute of Mechanical Engineering a traditional Ukrainian Olympiad "Mechanotronics in Engineering” was held.

Ukrainian nationwide competition of innovative products for information security of the banking system "Anticyber"

The final of the Ukrainian nationwide competition of innovative products for the information security of the banking system "Anticyber" among the students of higher educational institutions of Ukraine took place on December, 19 and was organized by Independent Association of Ukrainian Banks (IAUB). The competition, which started on April, 15, was supported by National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" and the Science Park "Kyivska Polytechnica". The participants were talented students up to 30 years, who submitted their projects in the areas "Fantasy", "Optimization", "Security", "Antivirus protection".

Interclub Informs

Today students from 41 countries study in our university, there are 12 associations, which connect fellow countrymen of their countries. Each association has chosen a head, who organizes the association’s work, helps students in solving their problems concerning both studying and living.

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