Sport spring in ETS – 2015

Sunny days give pleasure not only to gardeners but also athletes that went from gyms to outdoor areas. In the spring the campus has hosted numerous sporting events, in which its students have shown good results.

Continuing of founders traditions

In the era of IT technologies and innovative projects we sometimes forget about fundamental branches of engineering, foundry in particular. But thanks to the casting technology we get workpieces with complex configuration and geometry and high (98%) utilization rate of metal.

Conference of Young Researchers at the FMF

The Fourth All-Ukrainian Conference of Young Researchers in Mathematics and Physics, housed by the FMF, was held on April 23-24, 2015 with NTUU "KPI", National Pedagogical Dragomanov University and NaUKMA as its continuous founders and organizers.

Sports orienteering at the KPI

Sports orienteering is a very exciting type of sport that requires enormous sportsmen’ endurance, speed of thinking and attentiveness, i.e. physical and intellectual training at once.

Success of KPI table tennis team

The brightest moments of spring matches for the KPI table tennis team are comprised in the participation in Kyiv Universiade which took place in the sport complex of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University.

Spring 2015 in campus

This spring in the campus occurred to be joyful and creative, amazed with different interesting events. The 21th of April was hold the competition of original song. This time it was in the open form.

ITS students on competition in telecommunications

27-29 April 2015 in Odessa, the Odessa National Academy connection to them. Ukrainian Olympiad maned after Popov held in telecommunications. In the competition was attended by students from 9 technical universities of Kyiv, Kharkiv, Sumy, Odesa, Lviv and Zaporozhye.

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