Competitions in gymnastics 2016

In the sports complex of our university on April 20-21, competitions in gymnastics were held within as a part of the NTUU "KPI" Spartakiade. According to experts, the KPI is the only higher educational institution in Ukraine, where such competitions are held.

They won’t be worse than the neighbors

Anton Yakhno, the third year student of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering , is distinguished among his peers by knowledge, outstanding achievements in studies and fitness level. He always was intent on purpose to be at the head of agemates and drove to it.

Unforgettable trip to Zhitomir

Spring! A wonderful time when nature wakes up and comes to life after winter, and students take walk in the KPI park more often and go out with friends.

Labyrinth - Spring 2016

Every spring and autumn "KPI" campus provides sports and travel game "Labyrinth", which is looking forward to the students. And this spring is no exception. On the 13-15 of May 18 teams 180 members in total arrived at the base of the WTO "Polytechnic" where competitions were held.

Vadym Mazur – rectorial scholar of IME

"In a few months I’ll have a diploma defense, graduate ... and I miss my Polytechnic" - Vadym Mazur began his story in this way. He is the magistrand of the Department of laser technology, physical and engineering technologies, rectorial scholar in this semester.

Bogdan Glyvynskyy about LitVezha

In September 2015, in the KPI tower, the event that changed the literary life of our university took place – the LitVezha project came into the world. Boys and girls, students of KPI(and not only them) started helding theme nights devoted word of art.

Shaping competition

The competition, held upon the Olympics Program of the "KPI", was attended by 85 students of FBMI, FMF, FL, HTF, FMM, FEL, ITC, FPM, fax, MMI, PTI, FIVT, FAT, VPI, IASA, IMD, FBT, IEE. The main aim of the competition is the popularization of sports and healthy lifestyle.

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