Formula Student KPI: second race car within two years

Two years ago in our university on the initiative of head of the department of Integrated Technology of Mechanical Engineering prof. V.A.Pasichnyka was created a student team under his leadership, that projected and manufactured car race of series "Formula Student" (Formula SAE).

Hiking weeks

Summer tour ended, was set newcomers tourist club "Globe", started on weekdays. From the first training "recruits" are beginning to prepare for mountain adventures. Ahead everyday training twice a week, Kiev and nationwide competitions, hiking the Carpathians.

Striving for self-improvement

Life is rich in patterns and an example of which is the reward for hard work and efficiency in education. That is about student of third year of Publishing and Printing Institute on specialization "Management" Lydia Boer, awarded scholarships rector "KPI, Igor Sikorsky."

City reveals its secrets

Legends of the city and its mysterious corners opened on September 24th for first year students of "KPI named Igor Sikorsky" during the quest-tour, organized by the university campus administration. The students traditionally acquainted with the beauty and history of Kyiv in an interesting way.

Captured by thirst of knowledge

Recently successes of publications on university students and mathematicians was the name of the fourth year students IASA Catherine Matviyiv.

Ukrainian students unite nations

Our University has long-standing friendly relations with Western scientific, cultural and public institutions, including those that work in France.

Festival "Fall of drive" 2016

Travelling summer in tourist club KPI  "Globe" ended with the traditional festival  "fall of drive", which was held in Universitys park 10 August.

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