Happy Start of Classes, Polytechnicians!

Today, the 2nd-4th year undergraduate students, and 2nd year graduate students have their first classes in the new academic year. This year, it is impossible to get classrooms mixed up, but there is a risk of forgetting all about classes, or losing the link.

At the meeting of the Trade Union Committee: Frankly About the Important

The trade union committe of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, which took place on September 8, resolved several issues at the meeting. The first agenda item was the most urgent issue concerning the beginning of a new academic year: “The organization of the educational process at the university under quarantine”.

Distance courses require careful and meticulous creation

Про особливості навчання в період карантину розмовляємо з Сергієм Яковлєвим, доцентом кафедри математичних методів захисту інформації ФТІ.

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