KPI graduate Konstantin Pelypenko died

Konstantin graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Automation in 2018 with a degree in Electrical Machines and Apparatus.

Before the full-scale invasion, he worked abroad, but did not hesitate to return to defend his homeland.

Returning Ukrainians home

Students majoring in Public Management and Administration at the FSP have developed a unique program for the repatriation of Ukrainians. Public managers focused on the issue of encouraging people to return to their homeland.

The center of prosthetics and rehabilitation will work in KPI

KPI engineers will develop and manufacture innovative prostheses for the military that will allow them to live without restrictions.

Ukrainian enterprises and public organizations are interested in the RND center. The parties signed a memorandum of cooperation.

Cooperation of KPI with the Ukrainian Peace Council

Kyiv Polytechnic joined the Ukrainian Peace Formula. Representatives of KPI signed a multilateral agreement with the Ukrainian Peace Council, the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the heads of other leading universities.

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