Invention of Sikorsky Challenge winners saves lives

At the XI Sikorsky Challenge Festival, the Armagel+ Universal Hydrogel Dressing project won in the Practical Readiness for Mass Production category.

The team presented a universal carrier matrix that can be saturated with medicinal solutions, herbs, oil emulsions, etc.

On the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation

Dear veterans and current defenders of the Motherland! Dear Kyiv Polytechnic students! In these May days we honor the older generation who had to go through the deadly fire of the Second World War.

KPI graduate Andriy Vasylenko died

After graduating from Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Andrii worked as a power grid design engineer. One of his works was the lighting of a section of the Warsaw highway from Kyiv to Gostomel.

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