The known leaders of French universities have visited NTUU "KPI"

NTUU "KPI" was visited by the heads of the leading French technical universities – the General Director of the Ecole Polytechnic (École Polytechnique – polytechnic school, Paris), Yve Dome, Director of the National high school of high technologies (École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées – ENSTA ParisTech, Paris) Elisabeth Crépon and the President of the University of the city of Le Mans Rashid El Gerguma.

The visit of the Embassy of the Korea Republic

On the 15th of June NTUU "KPI" was visited by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Korea Republic in Ukraine Sol Kohn-Hun and a military attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea Choi Seok-Hyonh.

Visit of the «IFU» representers

May 26 Science Park "Kyiv Polytechnic" visited the First Vice President of the famous Danish investment fund «IFU» ( «Investment Fund for Developing Countries») and Peter Schwalbe fund adviser Alex Parkhomchuk.

A new combustion technology presented in Poland

At the beginning of March with the assistance of the Ukrainian-Polish center NTUU "KPI" the delegation of Ukrainian experts in the engineering, headed by Professor of the Department of heat power equipment of thermal and nuclear power stations, heat power engineering faculty Michael Abdulla, visi

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