Brain-teaser cube

Every year on the third Saturday of September the Ukrainian celebrate the Day of the inventor and innovator. It is greatly connected with our university as ingenuity and innovative activity is an integral part of every engineer's life. It is worth telling that inventions could be different.

Prevention of intestinal infections

In a warm season, the risk of spread of acute intestinal infections can increase, which can lead to serious complications. Typically, intestinal infections are caused by bacteria or viruses that enter the human body with contaminated food or water.

Firebush, or northern lemon

You can ask questions about this plant to TV connoisseurs without hesitation. It is a traditional decoration of gardens and parks. It flames in spring and gives in fall.

Theater With No Face

That is how Kyiv tour guides are calling the new theater building on Podil. The modern architecture allows the viewers to enjoy the things that are happening on the stage while not getting distracted by decorations.

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