Go to ancient Athens to get new knowledge!

In the middle of October, the group of students and members of the Faculty of Physical Engineering of KPI visited a city which name evokes many historical and cultural reminiscences in any educated person - the ancient but still young Athens nowadays.

New collaborative laboratory at IFF

In recent years, a real revolution has been taking place in materials science, related to the creation and increasing use of nanomaterials - nanostructured metal, ceramic and composite materials, which are made of powders, the particle size of which has the order of nanometers (10-9 m).

Creation of intellectual composite materials

By decree of the President an authoring team of Faculty of Chemical Engineering – Candidates of Science, associate professors Zhuchenko OA (Department of Automation of Chemical Productions), Ivitsky II(Department of Chemical, Polymer and Silicate Engineering) Tsapar VS (Department of Automation

For written of the information with ultra-density

Grant of the President of Ukraine to support scientific research of young scientists in 2018 was appointed to Igor Vladimirskyi, candidate in physical science, Associate Professor of the Department of Metal Physics of IFF, working in the field of thin film material science, investigating the patt

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