“RepRapUA” festival in the library

Those who only heard about 3D printing and did not imagine what is this, as well as everyone interested in modern technology, were able to see with their own eyes the capabilities of these technologies at the “RepRapUA” festival at the Scientific and Technical Library of the Igor Sikorsky Kyi

Achievements of JAS students of Polytechnic lyceum

Official clossure of Ukrainian competition in scientific researches protection of JAS participants took place on 6,May in Center of Culture and Arts of NTUU "KPI". As usual, those who carried out their researches on our university base also became prizewinners.

Children's holiday in Poland 2018

From 23 July to 3 August, 2018 a group of children of employees of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute from the age of 10 to 14 (on the picture) visited the Republic of Poland

Olympiad in biology for pupils

This year, the Igor Sikorsky KPI hosted the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in biology for schoolchildren, whose participants competed for additional points for specific certificate of external evaluation for entering the four faculties: FBT, Faculty of Chemical Technology, FBMI and Faculty of Chemical En

Young chemists’ tournament at the XTF

The first All-Ukrainian tournament of young chemists was held on March 5 at the Igor Sikorsky KPI within the framework of the plan of work of the National Ecological and Naturalistic Centre of Student Youth of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

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