The "Own heating"

Among the winners of the fourth festival of innovative projects "Sikorsky Challenge 2015" there is also the project of autonomous heating "Own heating" which is waited by students of KPI to be implemented.

Portable installation "Owl" purifies water

Among the winners of the festival "Sikorsky Challenge 2014", which took place in NTUU "KPI" and gathered the best innovative projects of national scientists, there is the development of the researcher Laboratory of Environmental Technology FCT T.Yu.Nizhnik.

"Sikorsky Challenge 2014", the third day

Events of the third day of the festival «Sikorsky Challenge 2014" were held at the Center for Culture and Arts  NTUU"KPI", at the exhibition hall of the Science Park "Kyiv Polytechnic",at the  hall of the Academic Council of the University and the university campus.


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